Straight male first gay sex stories

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His wife was in her 30's as well 5'4,34C cups nice big buns, brown hair and a body that said fuck me. He was taller then me, good build and was the same age as myself. My friend had a very nice thick and big cock with huge balls and he was very good looking as well. His wife loved having the two of us paying attention to her and loved getting it in both holes and loved sucking and swallowing cum. At that time, I was in my thirty' and we would meet sometimes two or three times a week.

My ex and I split up and went our separate ways but I kept in contact with Mario and his wife for threesomes. This lasted for at least ten years but like all things come to an end. My ex wife and I would meet my friend (Mario) and his wife and we would have fantastic sex with them. I had met with the guy that I ended up having sex with my first wife, we use to exchange sex partners and we had become very good friends. I was straight and married I was very happy with my wife and especially with our sex life's. I went by her and placed my cock next to her mouth she pulled it into her mouth and I rammed it into mouth giving it her deep into her throat and trying to fuck her mouth at the same pace that Mario was giving it to her.īefore this happened I wouldn't have thought that I ever would do this with another male. He picked up the pace he was now fucking good and hard, she yelled for him to give it her deeper and harder.

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